Online Arbitrage - but automated

a fully automated Amazon Online Arbitrage VA

CRM Tool - Techplus X Webflow Template

Why do the work to find products when others already have? 🙃

UI and Features like no other

User Information - Techplus X Webflow Template

Keepa Graphs

See Keepa Graphs for each item scanned

Deal Tracking - Techplus X Webflow Template

Historical Sales

See historical monthly sales for each item scanned

Filters - Techplus X Webflow Template
Pipeline Management - Techplus X Webflow Template

Future Snoop

Use Future Snoop to estimate time to sell inventory. Prediction is based on historical data

Reports - Techplus X Webflow Template
Reporting Dashboard - Techplus X Webflow Template

Spin Score

Get a buy box rotation score out of 10 based on 180 days of buy box data.

Meeting Scheduling - Techplus X Webflow Template

Excel Export

All data from scans can be exported out of the platform and used with your current Online Arbitrage workflow.

Email Tracking - Techplus X Webflow Template

Supply Spy

Supply Spy uses state of the art AI when searching for suppliers. It is able to handle most edge cases.

Snoop Sense (AI model)

Have our AI model Snoop Sense take in all data points of a product and help you make a purchase decision.

  • Keepa Graphs
  • Suppliers
  • Export data to Excel
Get started
Prospects - Techplus X Webflow Template
Close More Deals - Techplus X Webflow Template

Find more products faster

A VA typically checks 30-60 products an hour. For a hiring price of 6$/hr that is $0.10 - $0.20  per product check. Seller snoop offers product checks for as low as $0.04 per check, with better results than a VA

the speed of a VA
cheaper compared to a VA
Get started

What our clients say

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit et ac adipiscing quis enim mi turpis etiam.

Testimonial - Techplus X Webflow Template

“The most automated way of finding products”

Ive been searching through 1,500 products a day and have found around 150 products that look promising with a 40% ROI. If you know how to use it right you can find alot of products.

John Carter
CEO & Co-Founder
Testimonial - Techplus X Webflow Template

“Techplus X is the next-gen CRM””

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit massa enim neque tincidunt aliquam vel urna orci ante. felis vel elementum cum elit arcu hendrerit id ultrices nulla molestie posuere non arcu accumsan.

Matt Cannon
Lead of Design
Testimonials - Techplus X Webflow Template

“The best CRM platform, period”

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing elit massa enim neque tincidunt aliquam vel urna orci ante. felis vel elementum cum elit arcu hendrerit id ultrices nulla molestie posuere non arcu accumsan.

Sophie Moore
CEO & Co-Founder

Designed for all kind of teams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur acdipiscing elit et ac adipiscing quis enim mi turpis etiam.

Sales Team - Techplus X Webflow Template
Marketing Team - Techplus X Webflow Template
Sales teams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipiscing elit et ac adipiscing.

Marketing Team - Techplus X Webflow Template
Growth - Techplus X Webflow Template
Marketing teams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipiscing elit et ac adipiscing.

Team Sales - Techplus X Webflow Template
Support - Techplus X Webflow Template
Support teams

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipiscing elit et ac adipiscing.